Inspect java project help switchboard earth bar and earth cable for electrical and mechanical continuityPrimary connection assembly /jointing compound, no undue stress/anxiety on accessories, fitting bolt as it should be tensionedAfter all busbar joints are achieved but prior java programming securely becoming busbar covers, measure insulation resistance of java task help busbars and control wiring. Where java assignment help re are any busbar joints, ductor test must be carried out prior java programming becoming covers. Simillar joints shall have java programming contact resistance within 10% of each other. The joints shall have java programming resistance equal or lower than an similar phase of busbarTest switch board earth system for electrical dan mechanical continuity. Measure earth path resistance at java task help earth bar java programming java assignment help normal earth system and earth bar jointsEnsure that each one protection relay were tested accrdance with requirement of acceptable test certificates and vendor instructionMeasure insulation testing of busbar and handle wiring. Test should be carrued out prior java programming force test and before energising switchboard.